Asiya Amin's profile


Symphony of Colors
Personal Project
These Artworks were done in 2022 - 2023, Inspired by the Abstract Expressionism movement. 

I delve into the captivating world of human gestures and movements, drawing inspiration from the subtle nuances and dynamic rhythms observed in people around us. Through a bold exploration of color, texture, and form, I aim to capture the essence of these fleeting moments, translating them onto the canvas with raw emotion and intuitive brushstrokes. Bold and complementary colors create a striking visual experience. The vibrant hues enhance the expressive nature of the paintings, evoking strong emotions and capturing attention. These artworks become a visual symphony, where the canvas becomes a stage for the unfiltered expressions and the unspoken language of bodies in motion.
I studied colors to choose the right ones for my project. By exploring different color palettes and considering color theory and psychology, I made informed decisions to create a visually appealing composition that effectively communicated my message or mood.
"Engaged in the movement"
A person's focused and active involvement in their work, as they use various body movements to complete the tasks.
"Leaving someone behind"
A situation where one person is moving ahead much quicker while the other person struggles to keep up.
"Rush Hour"
When people are stuck in rush hour traffic and find themselves observing or gazing at other individuals around them​​​​​​​
"Lost in Thoughts"
The introspective state of deep contemplation or daydreaming with the physical sensation of the wind gently brushing against the face.
"Sense of Wonder"
A moment of awe-struck fascination or a spark of unconventional creativity.
Symphony of Colors
Thanks for watching!

Project Made For

